Through grant funds the ORSWMD is revitalizing the Illegal Dumpsite Project from 2004. Dumpsites cleaned up during the last project will be resurveyed and new dumpsites will be identified. With help from partner organizations dumpsites will be cleaned up and signs placed.
The District is currently collaborating with the Mark Twain National Forest and Missouri State Parks to host AmeriCorps members. Check out the press release about their service here.
July 1, 2023 to June 30, 2024 Statistics:
- 5 clean up events
- 17 volunteers
- 694 tires collected
- 1,000 pounds of metal recycled
- 660 pounds of electronics recycled
- 2.34 tons of trash landfilled!
Interested in volunteering to help clean up or adopt a dumpsite? Contact us at or 573-265-2993.
Meet our newest illegal dump crusader – Trashasaurus rex! Follow us on Facebook and YouTube!
Time-lapse video of an illegal dump clean up on Mark Twain National Forest land in Crawford County
Illegal dumpsite before clean up. -
Illegal dumpsite after clean up. -
Illegally dumped tires. -
Crane clean up of illegal dumpsite.