Major revisions to Missouri’s Solid Waste Management Law (Senate Bill 530) became effective in August 1990. The intent of this legislation was to provide clear direction to Missourians on solid waste management practices they need to implement in order to reach and maintain a 40-percent or more reduction in the amount of solid waste generated for disposal.
The Ozark Rivers Solid Waste Management District was formed and officially recognized by the Missouri Department of Natural Resources in November 1991. The district includes the counties of Crawford, Dent, Gasconade, Maries, Phelps, Pulaski and Washington and their respective cities.
The district’s responsibilities include the development of a solid waste plan that will accomplish a 40-percent reduction in solid waste generated for disposal in this area. It will require the cooperation and participation of all member counties, cities and communities to ensure the required reduction. The development of private businesses and industries will be encouraged.
A major provision included in Senate Bill 530 was the creation of financial incentives designed to stimulate resource recovery within the state. The source of these funds are a $2.11 per ton tipping fee levied at solid waste sanitary landfills and $1.40 per ton fee from demolition landfill operators. A solid waste management fund was created for the fees collected from these permitted solid waste management facilities. Department of Natural Resources’ Solid Waste Management Program administers this fund.
There are two mechanisms through which citizens, businesses, and organizations of Missouri can obtain funding for solid waste management activities. These include:
Market Development: Funds for the development of markets for recovered materials through EIERA. For more information, call Kristin Tipton at (573) 751 4919.
Solid Waste Management Districts/Counties/Cities: Funds to solid waste management districts and the cities and counties within the district for activities that implement their solid waste management plans. Up to fifty percent (50%) of the grant money available to a district within a fiscal year may be allocated for district operation and plan implementation projects and at least fifty percent (50%) shall be allocated for projects of cities and counties within the district.
The requirements and the evaluation criteria developed for this packet were based on the administrative rule, 10 CSR 80-9.050. Copies of Missouri’s Solid Waste Management Law or the above mentioned administrative rules for Section 260.335 are available from the Missouri Department of Natural Resources, Division of Environmental Quality, Solid Waste Management Program at (800) 361-4827 or on the web at
or contact:
Meramec Regional Planning Commission
4 Industrial Drive
St. James, MO 65559
(573) 265-2993
Projects that are awarded financial assistance from this fund must be included in or benefit the Ozark Rivers Solid Waste Management District’s solid waste management plan. The project should also help the district achieve its goal to reduce the amount of waste generated for disposal.
Click here for an overview of projects and goals.