List of Technical Assistance and Implementation Services

Required by ORSWMD

Administration Services

Meetings – Facility Requirements:

  • Provide a meeting room that will accommodate 30 to 40 people with tables and padded chairs. Must be centrally located within the seven-county district. Must be available for four to six meetings per year.
  • Room must be handicap accessible with ADA bathrooms.
  • Free parking must be adjacent to meeting facility and must be able to accommodate at least 40 cars and have at least one handicap accessible parking spot.
  • Meeting facility must provide access to:
    • At least one laptop computer
    • PA system if needed
    • Overhead projector with screen or blank wall
    • Hi-speed copy machine
    • High-speed internet access
    • Wi-Fi access
    • Fax capabilities
    • Phone system with phone conference capabilities
    • Digital camera
    • At least two flip charts with paper and markers
  • All meetings will include snacks or meals and beverages
  • Administrator must provide reusable plates, dessert plates, glasses, coffee cups, silverware and serving dishes. No paper/plastic serving ware is permitted except for napkins. Administrator is responsible for arranging for snacks/beverages and at times, meals for the district meetings. Administrator is also responsible for cleanup following meetings.

Meetings – Administrative Requirements:

  • Prepare and distribute agendas and minutes to board members and area media no later than 10 days before each meeting through U.S. Postal service and/or by email. Agenda must be reviewed and approved by district chair prior to distribution.
  • Make follow-up phone calls to each district representative to remind them of the meeting and confirm their attendance, as needed.
  • Provide staff to take meeting notes and prepare minutes, in accordance with the Sunshine Law, on behalf of the district.
  • Provide public meeting notices in accordance with the Sunshine Law prior to all district meetings.

Publicity Requirements:

  • Provide photography of district events including archiving of photos and distribution of photos with press releases
  • Preparation and maintenance of district display boards for district activities and programs.
  • Preparation and distribution of press releases with photos to media in the region.
  • Designing and distribution of fliers/brochures as directed by the district, which includes graphic arts/media skills with document design.
  • Posting of press releases, grant applications and event fliers on the web.

Board Administration:

  • Provide administrative assistance to the District, its officers, committees and its employees as required and/or requested. This includes the day-to-day operation, including staff support, phone and fax support and necessary and ordinary supplies.
  • Keep an updated listing of all committee members and terms and notify appropriate officials as these terms expire.
  • Assure compliance with any and all state regulations effecting solid waste management districts. Provide information on legislative changes and/or mandates that may affect the members of the district.
  • Preparation of correspondences and mailings.
  • Assist with the proper procurement of products and services, as needed.
  • Update bylaws, as needed.
  • Update information related to District’s not-for-profit status, if applicable.
  • Prepare grant applications on behalf of the district.
  • Provide project follow-up as requested.

Fiscal Administration:

  • Establish and manage bank accounts on behalf of the district including appropriate journals and ledgers, using generally accepted accounting principles
    • Monthly reconciliation of accounts
    • Managing money management accounts
    • Review and payment of bills, district grant disbursements, etc.
  • Prepare and provide financial statements (Balance Sheet and Statement of Revenues and Expenditures) and report to the District on the status of its financial position on a monthly or bi-monthly basis and year-end, as requested
  • Provide consultation on fiscal affairs with the District  and its designated representatives
  • Provide direction and guidance in order to maintain correct operating and financial procedures in accordance with the all applicable sections of the Missouri Solid Waste Law Chapter 260 as well as any applicable rules and regulations as provided and directed by the Missouri Department of Natural Resources.
  • Assistance with and preparation of an annual budget and a semi-annual budget revision
  • Prepare payroll and related responsibilities, including the monthly completion of Federal and FICA tax deposits and quarterly reporting, if applicable
  • Preparation and submission of the periodic reports to funding agencies, if applicable
  • Preparation of W-2 and 1099s, if applicable
  • Procure for an audit firm every three years to perform an annual governmental audit of the District, including preparation of bid specifications, advertising and bid review and selection
  • Preparing for and coordinating field work for the annual governmental independent audit, the MDNR compliance audit conducted every three years and the audit by the State Auditor’s Office by providing all necessary information to the auditor(s) to perform the audit.
  • Review of the audit report(s)
  • Preparation of any audit responses
  • Implementation of any recommended changes in the auditor’s management letter for improving efficiencies, after board approval of such changes
  • Procure Errors and Omissions and inland marine insurance for the district membership and any equipment owned by the district

 District Grant Administration:

  • Provide grant administration in accordance with all applicable sections of the Missouri Solid Waste Law Chapter 260 as well as any applicable rules and regulations as provided and directed by the Missouri Department of Natural Resources including, but not limited to, the following:
    • Provide technical assistance to sub-grantees on reporting, grant management including procurement requirement, security interest filing, diversion reporting, financial documentation requirement and grant writing.
    • Preparation and compilation of district grant reports, including follow-up with sub-grantees.
    • Familiarity with ReTRAC system and its use in grant administration.
    • Review and processing of sub-grantee invoice requests and reports.
    • Preparing reports and action items for the board/council on district grants.


  • Carry out and coordinate the implementation programs funded by the district.
    • Environmental Resource Center
      • Maintain and promote the environmental resource center
    • Earth Day Poster and Trash Art Contest
      • Develop a contest theme
      • Promote the contest through fliers to all schools, public and private and press releases to area media that includes contest rules, deadlines and co-sponsors
      • Solicit area banks, financial institutions and chambers of commerce for donations to help cover the cost of education prizes made of recycled material
      • Coordinate the collection of entries throughout the seven-county area
      • Coordinate the judging of entries including recruiting judges and providing lunch
      • Publicize the winners through press releases and letters to schools and co-sponsors
      • Expertise with social media necessary to post pictures of winning entries on the Web
      • Display winning entries at a minimum of one Earth Day event in the region (i.e. Missouri University of Science and Technology and/or Fort Leonard Wood)
      • Select and procure educational prizes made of recycled materials
      • Distribute awards to winners throughout the seven-county region – coordinating with schools to make presentations to students
    • Earth Day Events
      • Represent district on planning committees for Earth Day celebrations planned in the region
      • Provide displays of winning posters and trash art
      • Assist with special activities at celebration events
    • Illegal Dump Cleanup Program
      • Recruit volunteers and partners to work toward the cleanup and elimination of illegal dumpsites in the region
      • Coordinate cleanup efforts with volunteers and partner agencies
      • Procure for equipment, supplies, services, etc. that may be required to carry out cleanups
      • Publicize cleanup activities in area news media
      • Develop displays on successful cleanups to promote and publicize the program
    • Solid Waste Management Facility Field Trip
      • Coordinate with area schools and solid waste management facilities (landfills, transfer stations, recycling centers) to schedule field trips for students
      • Procure liability insurance for students if solid waste management facility requires
      • Publicize the program through press releases to area media
      • Provide evaluation forms to participating schools to determine the effectiveness of the program
      • Reimburse schools for bus transportation cost
      • Provide reports to the district on the program
    • Special Waste Collection Program (tires, white goods, electronics)
      • Coordinate special collection events with host cities and/or counties
      • Develop bid specifications for contractors and go out for bid for services provided at collections
      • Coordinate collection contractors for various events
      • Publicize events through area media, websites, fliers, advertising
      • Develop surveys for events to determine who is participating, where they are from, what types of additional services they want, etc.
      • Tabulate results of collections including volumes and types of materials collected
      • Provide reports to the district
    • Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) Collection Centers-St. Robert and Rolla
      • Facilitate the operation of the HHW Collection Centers at the Cities of St. Robert and Rolla to receive HHW drop off from seven county district residents.
      • Work with the host cities to develop bid specification for HHW servicing contractor and go out for bid to service HHW collection centers.
      • Promote the collection centers through area media, websites, fliers, advertising.
      • Track the volume of HHW collected.
      • Provide reports to the district
    • Environmental Education Program
      • Develop bid specifications and carry out procurement for contracting professional environmental educator(s) to provide assemblies/workshops or similar education events in area schools
      • Coordinate with area schools to schedule assemblies/events
      • Publicize the program through press releases to area media
      • Provide evaluation forms to participating schools to determine the effectiveness of the program
      • Provide reports to the district on the program
    • County Illegally Dumped Tire Cleanup Program
      • Develop bid specifications for a contractor to provide trailers and transportation of collected tires to a licensed recycling facility
      • Coordinate the dropping and picking up of trailers with county commissions, city governments, road crews and the contractor
      • Track tonnage and participation and provide reports to the district
    • Illegal Dump Cleanup and Surveillance Camera Program
      • Provide trained staff to deploy and monitor surveillance camera equipment
      • Coordinate deployment of the camera equipment with local government and law enforcement
      • Work with law enforcement and MDNR staff in proper handling of evidence and development of enforcement cases against perpetrators
      • Provide reports to the district
    • Public Recognition Program and Banquet
      • Develop and distribute a nomination form for the public recognition program to all city and county governments, district members and economic development agencies in the region
      • Compile nominations and prepare a list of nominees for the board to review
      • Mail out notifications to the nominees and the nominators and invite them to the annual banquet
      • Coordinate and organize the district’s annual award banquet, including procuring the caterer, setting up the room, decorating tables, etc.
      • Create award certificates for award recipients
      • Create event programs with short bios of the award recipients for distribution at the banquet
      • Publicize event and award winners in area media including photos of award presentation(s)

Technical Assistance:

  • Provide technical assistance to citizens, businesses, local governments, schools and agencies on solid waste issues.
  • Prepare grant applications on behalf of the district.
  • Provide technical assistance to sub-grantees on reporting, grant management and grant writing.
  • Workshop Requirements:
    • Provide at a minimum one grant writing workshop no less than two weeks prior to the deadline for district grant submissions to all interested parties.
    • Grant workshop will include review of the grant application document, grant requirements, deadlines and expectations of those entities who are awarded funds through the district.
    • Provide, at a minimum, one sub-grantee workshop per year. The workshop must be held prior to the grant start date and must be made available to all subgrantees.
    • Provide for separate meetings to go over workshop information for any sub-grantees that cannot attend the workshop.


  • Bidder must have a minimum of five years of experience in administering solid waste management districts in the State of Missouri as well as State and Federal grant writing experience.

Physical Location

  • Successful bidder must maintain an office within the seven-county region and provide a minimum of one full-time staff member.


  • Actively seek alternate funding sources for district programs and projects.
  • Write grants to other organizations/agencies on behalf of the district for the purpose of meeting district goals and state mandates.
  • Implement and administrate grants to the solid waste district from outside funding sources.
  • Procure Errors and Omissions and inland marine insurance for the district membership and any equipment owned by the district
  • Attend meetings as a representative of the District, when requested, and keep abreast of state legislation and new developments.


Submittal of Bids:

All responses to the RFB must contain:

  • Name of firm, address, telephone, fax, website and electronic mail and contact person(s)
  • Background on the company and affiliates, description of general services and any relevant experience
  • List of three references, with addresses and phone numbers
  • Pricing for completion of project as described in RFB
  • E-Verify compliance status. Contractors must be in compliance with E-verify law. This is the law that requires employers to verify that their employees are eligible for employment.


Proposals are due to the district Chairman, Troy Porter, no later than 12:00 noon on May 9th. The envelope must be sealed and marked “ORSWMD bid.” Bids may be mailed to:


Troy Porter, Chairman

Ozark Rivers Solid Waste Management District

P.O. Box 218

Dixon, MO  65459


Proposals may also be emailed to Mr. Porter at .


ORSWMD is an Equal Opportunity Employer and invites the participation of minority and female-owned firms.


Ozark Rivers Solid Waste Management District reserves the right to reject any and all bids.